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Wipr App Reviews

Wipr app recently received 19 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Wipr app an average rating of 4.42 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 857 ratings since its release on May 24 by Kaylee Calderolla. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Wipr?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.84 out of 5

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19 Positive User Reviews for Wipr


Been using WIPR for quite some time and it has been perfect all along! Highly recommended!

I’m obsessed with Wipr

I’ve tried a few ad blockers. My most recent one was complicated to configure originally and was starting to let a lot of ads together. Wipr is super simple and just works! Now I’m obsessed with how fast websites are. I’m also obsessed with trying to find a website that Wipr fails on!

The best simple and effective adblocker for safari

I use Wipr on my iPhone, ipad and Mac and it works great. Simple and effective. Database is kept updated in the background so it's always up to date with the latest rules. Can't imagine browsing the web without Wipr.

great App

this application is very useful

Phenomenal | Just Works

I’ve been a longtime user of Adgaurd, but I recently noticed that web pages were taking significantly longer to load *without* Adguard enabled, which seemed silly. So I went on the hunt for a new ad blocker, and Reddit brought me here. For the low price of a couple of bucks, Wipr has immediately fixed all of my problems. Web pages load at lightning fast speeds again, Adblock test websites register 100% coverage, and I couldn’t be happier!


Been using WIPR for quite some time and it has been perfect all along! Highly recommended!

Excellent App!

Love me an app that does exactly what it says it will do, and then it just sets back and gits ‘er done. Obnoxious, in your face, bouncing, flashing interference in your web browsing is now obsolete with Wipr. Excellent!

best of

no adblock is gonna be perfect, but for efficency, upkeep, small size, and unobtrusiveness at a low cost, this comes the closest of all.

So good!

This is a great ad blocker that does what it says and without all the bloatware I’ll never use. Looking forward to future updates!

Mozilla App Reconditioned

Who knows what creeps in your sewer? W I P R do

Just works

Tested and working even on the tube player app (can’t have them scraping to find this so won’t use full name).. love it

Fantastic filtering with K*I*S*S simplicity

Have been using this on both IOS and MacOS for years. I appreciate the simplicity / lack of config options, as I’d rather not spend my days tweaking a tool. Works great, no config options - if you want to tweak things, this ain’t for you


The app just needs to be refreshed and up to date with the click of a button. Safari-extensions-


It’s ok—it’s simple to setup but it doesn’t get rid of ads as thoroughly as adguard.

Seems to work

Seems to work better than any other option on IOS

WIPR wiped the ads!

Thank you developers for this app. My iPad Pro 2020 was awash in ads after I downloaded iOS 15.4. Maybe it killed my old ad blocker? I don’t know….not a techie. I was horrified😳 by the number of ads…..yikes! 99% solved instantly with WIPR thank you so much. I read in my pre purchase research that WIPR plays well with iOS devices and it’s true. Effortless install, no password/email to fool with either….❤️WIPR.

The best ad blocker, period.

i have tried a lot of ad blockers available on the App Store over the past many years, and I settled on wiper over a year ago. are used it on my iPad, iPhone, and Mac. I have come to the conclusion that this is the best ad blocker available right now. In addition, the developer respects our privacy by not collecting any data.

Best $2 spent ever!

It actually works! I downloaded after a review from New York Times. It has lived up to the claims. Even after several months, it continues to prove effective. If it could only block anything “Kardasian”, too…

Supah hot fire

I tried like three different ad blocking apps this is the only one that works thank you

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